ISL staff are nationally and culturally diverse, with more than a dozen nationalities amongst them. The teachers, whilst all being qualified and experienced in their specialist curriculum areas, are trained in and actively embrace the philosophy and quality of the IB programmes for the benefit of ISL students and families.
Staff turnover is lower on average than in many international schools as faculty members are happy to work in ISL. Many are longstanding members of the school community, with 25% of staff present for ten years or more and 70% five years or more.
Teaching staff are recruited from all over the world and usually have extensive international experience before joining ISL.
Continued Professional Development is a requirement for all, with attendance at specific IB and IB-related conferences and workshops a constant element of our self-improvement strategy.
Teachers are also required to work on a mid- to long-term self-directed professional learning project linked to our Vision and Mission whose ultimate aim is to enhance and improve student learning.
Auxiliary teaching, administrative and cleaning and maintenance staff are all part of the ISL team and contribute with dedication and expertise to the overall smooth functioning and success of the school.
N.B. The International School of Lyon practises a policy of equal opportunity and non-discrimination towards all its employees regardless of age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, religion and belief (including no belief), marriage or civil partnership status.