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2021–2022 School Year
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In their pastoral lessons, the Grade 9 students recently prepared a story for the Kindergarten and Grade 1 classes.  They told the story of The Gruffalo using “Makaton”. Makaton is a unique language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to enable people to communicate. This activity enabled Grade 9 students to work on adaptation and improvisation skills, empathy and communication 
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Grade 11 have been learning about the structure of atoms, including the effects of electron excitation. The colours in the image are produced as a result of electrons in metal ions becoming “excited” after taking on energy through a process called “absorption”. When the electrons lose energy again, they emit characteristic wavelengths of light and we can identify metals by 
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Grades 3 and 4 recently had a fantastic visit to ÉbulliScience in Vaux-en-Velin, where they participated in a workshop on levers, linked to their current Unit of Inquiry titled “How the World Works”, which is about simple machines.  Students were invited to follow the procedures for scientific investigation by observing, hypothesising and then trying out various experiments!
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This year’s Winter Fete, held on Friday 8th December, was a true wonderland of wintery treats. Parents, teachers, and children came together and enjoy an afternoon of fun, games, and good food! The Bake Sale team produced a spectacular wintery spread of baked goods, and a number of food stalls brought delicious things to try and buy. There were a 
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We recently celebrated Book Week at ISL. This time our theme was “One World Many Cultures”. We had a lot of different activities during the week looking at books from many different countries and celebrating the melting pot that is ISL. The week wouldn’t be complete without a big character parade, with everyone dressing as their favourite book or character. 
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Grades 4 and 6 recently joined forces to teach each other about different aspects of Ancient Rome as part of their current curriculum studies.  Who knew that the Romans ate peacock brains and flamingo tongues?! Or that they marched their soldiers in formation for kilometre after kilometre before the battle even began?!
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During Book Week we had a visit from Bali Rai, a famous author of books for children and teens. He talked to all groups from Grade 4 to Grade 10 on many topics, like diversity and multiculturalism, reading for pleasure and the importance of being open minded when writing. The students enjoyed the talks and asked Bali Rai many questions, 
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The Grade 1s and 2s had a visit from our very own Dr. Feeney to kick off our science unit of inquiry, which falls under the transdisciplinary theme of How The World Works. He taught us about chemistry and demonstrated the importance of his many science tools and safety equipment. The students got a good look into the world of 
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As part of our transdisciplinary theme on How the World Works and our studies on height and length in Maths, the Senior Kindergarten students made 3D cityscapes from paper and cardboard. They had to think carefully about the size of each of the buildings that they created when placing them in their cityscapes, placing the taller ones at the back 
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With over forty entries to the “Guess the Weight of the Pumpkin” competition, the weight and the winner were finally announced! The pumpkin weighed a whopping 5.7kg and with a guess of 5.6kg – only 100g (0.1kg) away – Quinn in Grade 2 was the winner. Well done Quinn and everyone who participated, we raised 33€ for the Nature Club 
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