In our current Unit of Inquiry (How We Express Ourselves), the Junior Kindergarten (Kangaroo) class are talking about arts, and one of the artists they have learned about
The Grade 3s were recently tuning in to their new unit of inquiry “Where We Are In Place And Time” with a focus on how explorers can change the way people live. They had to create a representation of what they
This week the Grade 2s visited Dr. Feeney’s lab and got to witness a variety of cool light experiments linked to their unit of inquiry “How the World Works”. The central idea of the
As part of our “Where We Are in Place and Time” Unit of Inquiry on why and how we celebrate around the world, Nitin shared the festival of Diwali with our class. Diwali is India’s biggest and most
As part of our unit of inquiry about architecture, Grade 5 was tasked with designing and building a model structure that could be used to house students to make ISL into a
The Senior Kindergarten (SK) class has been doing a Unit of Inquiry on the 5 senses. In their French lessons, they were asked what their favourite sense is and why. There were
For our unit of inquiry about architecture, Grade 5 recently visited the Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval. We learned about Ferdinand Cheval and his naïve art construction project
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