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2021–2022 School Year
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As part of their Unit of Inquiry under the transdisciplinary theme of How The World Works, the Senior Kindergarten students have been busy building and testing the strength of bridges. They have discovered many things along the way and amongst their huge successes, they have had many collapsed bridges too! Take a look at some of their stronger structures below.
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As part of Senior Kindergarten’s unit of inquiry “How The World Works”, the students have been learning about different building materials and their properties. They read the story of The Three Little Pigs, then used the role play area to reenact the story. Finally, they created their very own pig puppet shows on the iPads. They decided that the straw 
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Outdoor Learning is a great time to put students’ learning into practice in a different setting, combining social and thinking skills with physical development. Some sessions are based on Maths or Phonics objectives, and some are linked to the Units of Inquiry. Lately, Kindergarten students have been practising their number skills during Outdoor Learning by counting leaves, building towers corresponding 
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The Kindergarten children hosted a Teddy Bears’ Picnic recently for all of their parents (and bear friends!). The parents came with their picnic blankets and sat in the shade of the
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Mr Johnson visited the Kindergarten’s Assembly recently to share some of his travelling adventures. He showed the kindergarteners a
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As part of their transdisciplinary theme ‘Sharing the Planet’, the Senior Kindergarten students have been using their research skills to find out which plants grow above, below and on the
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With the onset of the fine weather, the SK students have begun to prepare their garden patch ready for planting. They had to pull out the weeds, rake the soil and then water it ready
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We will be having an end-of-year music concert on Friday 2nd June in the assembly hall. Families are welcome to attend to see performances by The Virtuosos choir, Senior Kindergarten, the Grade 6
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On Wednesday, SK, Primary and Middle school classes attended a Medieval music concert performed by the ensemble Xeremia. The show depicted the imaginary
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The Senior Kindergarten students recently had a special visit from two ‘mystery readers’ to celebrate the birthday of an incredible children’s author – Dr Seuss. Merrick and Troy’s
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