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2021–2022 School Year
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School trip

Grades 3 and 4 recently had a fantastic visit to ÉbulliScience in Vaux-en-Velin, where they participated in a workshop on levers, linked to their current Unit of Inquiry titled “How the World Works”, which is about simple machines.  Students were invited to follow the procedures for scientific investigation by observing, hypothesising and then trying out various experiments!
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Experienced members of the Model United Nations (MUN) club participated in the Berlin Model United Nations (BERMUN), a prestigious MUN conference held in Berlin and attended by 700 students from around the world. Unintentionally, ISL sent an all-female delegation to the conference this year (Girl Power!). As always at BERMUN, our students made connections with others, sharpened their debate skills, 
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La semaine du goût (tasting week) is a week-long event that French schools organise each year in October. That week is an opportunity to celebrate and learn about many aspects of food. The Grade 9 and 10 students focused on chocolate this year. In their French lessons, they brainstormed what they knew about cocoa: its origins, its history, how it 
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The Grade 11 English and French Language and Literature classes ventured down to the Musée Guimet in Lyon to see the temporary Shepard Fairey OBEY exhibition.
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Some of the Grade 11s and 12s recently went on a trip to Madrid and the Gredos mountain range. The trip began with everyone meeting at Lyon airport at 04h45 for their flight. Once they landed in Madrid
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The Grade 3s and 4s recently went to the Confluence rock climbing centre ‘Climb Up’, as part of their individual pursuits linked to the PE curriculum. It provided fun opportunities for
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For our unit of inquiry about architecture, Grade 5 recently visited the Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval. We learned about Ferdinand Cheval and his naïve art construction project
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Grade 7 went on a trip to the Confluence last Tuesday as part of their Rivers and Ancient Civilizations Project. They were investigating the Rhône and the Saône in a self-directed research task, so we took a
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On the morning of Thursday 23rd June, the Grade 3/4 classes went to meet their penpals with whom they had been exchanging letters. French
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The pre-kindergarten students went to visit the local library where they were met by Catherine, the librarian. They had a little workshop about the properties of water, listened to a lovely story and returned the
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