The Grade 3s and 4s recently went to the Confluence rock climbing centre ‘Climb Up’, as part of their individual pursuits linked to the PE curriculum. It provided fun opportunities for
In music lessons, the Grade 3 and 4 classes recently started a new unit by checking their prior knowledge of instruments before embarking on an exploration of the ukulele and
As part of the preparation for the PYP Exhibition, Grade 5 participates in a Genius Hour every week, where each student works on a project of interest with the goal being
In the Nature Club, we have finally gotten around to planting the rest of our winter onions. We planted the first batch in November and so the final ones will be harvested a little later.
In Grade 5 we are currently working on the transdisciplinary theme of “Where We Are in Place and Time”. Our unit’s focus is about how the knowledge we gain from space
This week the Grade 2s visited Dr. Feeney’s lab and got to witness a variety of cool light experiments linked to their unit of inquiry “How the World Works”. The central idea of the
Every year, people from Lyon and the surrounding area put “lumignons” on their window sills on the evening of the 8th of December to celebrate the Fête des Lumières (Festival of
After raising over 200 euros at this year’s Pumpkin Sale, the Nature Club members got the chance to choose what they wanted to buy with the money. They decided to buy flowers,
During our Phonics lesson this week, the SK students used alphabet cookies to make simple consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words. They were each given a word ending, such as ‘-at’ or ‘-an’ and had to
The Grade 3 students from the New York and the Paris classes have been working on measurement. They’ve been estimating the lengths of various objects and then measuring them in centimeters
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