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2021–2022 School Year
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Our Pre-Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten students have been learning about celebrations and how to plan a party in their “Where We Are in Place and Time” unit of inquiry. They made beautiful invitations on Canva to share with their friends in Senior Kindergarten, and organized a special party. The big celebration was held on the last day of school before 
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The Senior Kindergarten students have made teddy bears as part of their Unit of Inquiry on Toys. Under the theme of How We Organise Ourselves, the students have been exploring how toys are made and how they move. They all worked hard at sewing their bears, learning lots of skills along the way. They had to learn how to do 
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The Kindergarten is currently working on their “How We Organise Ourselves” unit of inquiry, which is about games and toys. During one of the lessons, a student in the Senior Kindergarten class suggested that the school community collect games and toys to donate to families in need. The class created posters to display around the school, informing everyone about the 
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Recently, Pre-Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten students participated in a sorting activity, categorising toys into moving, building, pretend, and soft toys. This activity was part of our new unit of inquiry (How we Organise Ourselves), during which students are exploring how toys move and their characteristics. It was a fun and engaging way to go further with our investigations in this 
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Pre-Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten students have been exploring BeeBots to learn basic programming skills. Using their thinking skills, they discovered how to give simple commands to complete tasks, such as moving a card from one side to the other. In the video below you can see two students who enjoyed playing with the Beebots so much that they continued the 
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As part of our “Who We Are” Unit of Inquiry on the Five Senses, the Senior Kindergarten students have been learning about how to use their sense of taste. They have tasted lots of different foods to map the taste buds on their tongues, and decided on foods they liked and disliked. In Art, we have made some tasty looking 
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In their current Unit of Inquiry “Who We Are”, the Kindergarten students have been learning about the five senses. Recently, the Pre-Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten students participated in an engaging classroom activity designed to explore the sense of touch. Each student had to wear a blindfold and guess what was inside the mystery box, while only relying on their sense 
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ISL is proud to announce that we had 2 winners of the Young Author’s Fiction Festival (YAFF) this year. Congratulations to Leonardo and Lysander in Senior Kindergarten on their accomplishment! You can read more about their experience below. A special thank you to Anna Clow for organizing and for accompanying the winners to the ceremony in Paris!
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On Tuesday 4th June, ISL held its annual music concert at the Salle L’Ellipse in Sainte-Foy. With over 120 students involved, spanning from Senior Kindergarten to Grade 8 students, it showcased a variety of musical styles, instruments, languages and types of ensembles. A testament that music is very much alive and celebrated within the ISL community, the concert also highlighted 
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On Saturday, the PTA organised our annual Summer Fête. This year we not only had a giant bouncy castle, but a burger and fries truck too! Students and families of all ages attended, enjoying the friendly atmosphere as well as all the games and activities that the PTA put on for us all. Leonardo in Senior Kindergarten reflected on Summer 
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