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2021–2022 School Year
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2024-2025 School year


The Grade 11 Geographers arrived at Lyon Airport bright and early on Monday, 17th February 2025, for their field trip to Spain, where they collected data for their Internal Assessment and experienced Spain’s urban and rural culture. Organized by Mr. Dunn and accompanied by Mrs. Fournier, the trip included time in Madrid (tapas, anyone?) and a visit to the Águila 
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Grade 6 have been learning about the medieval world and spent a lesson exploring the Round City of Baghdad using Minecraft Education, immersing themselves in key features such as the House of Wisdom, where ancient Greek and Roman texts were preserved for future generations. While discussing medieval warfare, they initially thought of using TNT but soon realized it wouldn’t exist 
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The Grade 9.1 geographers planned and delivered a major earthquake re-enactment based on real-life events (1985 Mexico City, 2004 Indian Ocean, 2011 Japan, 2023 Turkey) using a variety of creative approaches. They portrayed news teams reporting from the studio and live ‘on the scene,’ incorporating interviews, props, models, rescues, videos, and dramatic imagery to illustrate the causes, effects, and responses 
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The two grade 9 Geography groups have been researching the details of a real-life earthquake and turning their findings into a re-enactment presentation of the key events. This included being ‘in the news studio’ and ‘live on the scene’ with a mix of maps, dramatic videos and images and interviews with survivors, rescue teams, hospital staff, etc. There were also 
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Grade 7 went on a trip to the Confluence last Tuesday as part of their Rivers and Ancient Civilizations Project. They were investigating the Rhône and the Saône in a self-directed research task, so we took a
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