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2021–2022 School Year
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How We Organize Ourselves

The Senior Kindergarten students have made teddy bears as part of their Unit of Inquiry on Toys. Under the theme of How We Organise Ourselves, the students have been exploring how toys are made and how they move. They all worked hard at sewing their bears, learning lots of skills along the way. They had to learn how to do 
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The Kindergarten is currently working on their “How We Organise Ourselves” unit of inquiry, which is about games and toys. During one of the lessons, a student in the Senior Kindergarten class suggested that the school community collect games and toys to donate to families in need. The class created posters to display around the school, informing everyone about the 
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Recently, Pre-Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten students participated in a sorting activity, categorising toys into moving, building, pretend, and soft toys. This activity was part of our new unit of inquiry (How we Organise Ourselves), during which students are exploring how toys move and their characteristics. It was a fun and engaging way to go further with our investigations in this 
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As part of our unit of inquiry “How We Organize Ourselves, where we are learning about clothing, the Grade 2 students recently collaborated with the Grade 1s in a service learning activity. The Grade 2 students were eager to share their newly acquired skill of pom-pom making and each of the Grade 1 students came away with a wonderful, handmade 
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