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Grade 9

In the recent Summer Sports Competition, the secondary students were fully engaged and fought hard for their Colour Teams. The Grade 6, 7 and 8 students had voted to play in mixed-grade teams and appreciated the challenge of playing against younger and older students. The Grade 9s played against each other and continued their fierce rivalries, fighting hard for every 
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The champion of this year’s quiz is again,  Filip, from Grade 9.  The Runner-up was again, Lewis, also from Grade 9. The quiz took place at lunchtimes in March, designed and run by Mr. Dunn in the Geography department. Quiz rounds included Geography in the news, matching amazing worldwide homes to their countries, cities in different countries, countries and capital 
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The two grade 9 Geography groups have been researching the details of a real-life earthquake and turning their findings into a re-enactment presentation of the key events. This included being ‘in the news studio’ and ‘live on the scene’ with a mix of maps, dramatic videos and images and interviews with survivors, rescue teams, hospital staff, etc. There were also 
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In their pastoral lessons, the Grade 9 students recently prepared a story for the Kindergarten and Grade 1 classes.  They told the story of The Gruffalo using “Makaton”. Makaton is a unique language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to enable people to communicate. This activity enabled Grade 9 students to work on adaptation and improvisation skills, empathy and communication 
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ISL’s Eco-Club wanted to address the students at the start of the year to remind them about our mission of reducing waste at the school. We invited Magali from ELISE, a company we use to help us dispose of our recyclable waste, such as paper, cardboard, plastic and cans. She explained how her company recycles various materials, and how they 
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During the “semaine de la langue française”, Thierry Mery, a comic book artist, delivered a workshop in ISL. Grade 5, 6, 9 and 10 students were taught how to use simple geometric
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Congratulations to this year’s champions of this year’s Geography Quiz: Filip in Grade 8 and Paul-Huy in Grade 10.  Runners-up were Lewis in Grade 8 and Adrien in Grade 9.
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The Grade 9 IGCSE geographers chose a real-life earthquake event and they did a reenactment of the event using their own research, videos, maps, dramatic photos and
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The results for the Secondary Library Quiz are in! Congratulations to Grade 10.1 for coming in first place, followed closely behind by Grade 8.2 and Grade 8.1. Well
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Students in Grades 6 to 10 were recently challenged in a library quiz in order to become familiar with the new library. It was also a way to encourage them to do some research using books, rather than rely only on
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