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2021–2022 School Year
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This year’s Winter Fete, held on Friday 8th December, was a true wonderland of wintery treats. Parents, teachers, and children came together and enjoy an afternoon of fun, games, and good food! The Bake Sale team produced a spectacular wintery spread of baked goods, and a number of food stalls brought delicious things to try and buy. There were a 
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We recently celebrated Book Week at ISL. This time our theme was “One World Many Cultures”. We had a lot of different activities during the week looking at books from many different countries and celebrating the melting pot that is ISL. The week wouldn’t be complete without a big character parade, with everyone dressing as their favourite book or character. 
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During Book Week we had a visit from Bali Rai, a famous author of books for children and teens. He talked to all groups from Grade 4 to Grade 10 on many topics, like diversity and multiculturalism, reading for pleasure and the importance of being open minded when writing. The students enjoyed the talks and asked Bali Rai many questions, 
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Experienced members of the Model United Nations (MUN) club participated in the Berlin Model United Nations (BERMUN), a prestigious MUN conference held in Berlin and attended by 700 students from around the world. Unintentionally, ISL sent an all-female delegation to the conference this year (Girl Power!). As always at BERMUN, our students made connections with others, sharpened their debate skills, 
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The last few weeks have been super busy for the PTA Welcoming Committee – welcoming families, new and existing, back to school. Between the Welcome Coffee for all families, the Welcome Drinks for new families and the Ice Cream Social (ice-lollies all round!), there has been a lot of fun, food and friends at the school! The sun has shone 
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The Kindergarten children hosted a Teddy Bears’ Picnic recently for all of their parents (and bear friends!). The parents came with their picnic blankets and sat in the shade of the
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What a party! The ISL Summer Fête last week was a great celebration of our ISL community and spirit. Students, parents and faculty enjoyed the sunny weather and good company while sampling treats
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Alongside the closing of our Sharing the Planet unit of inquiry about ecosystems, the Grade 2s came up with the idea of creating a special day to celebrate the environment, which they called “One Earth
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The Grade 5 students have just completed their PYP Exhibition. The Exhibition is the culminating project for students in the IB Primary Years Program (PYP) and is an opportunity for
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ISL is a member of the FIRST France Robotics association (Robotique FIRST France), which enables students from different schools to build robots and participate in inter-school
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