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On Friday before the winter holidays, the G11 class visited an exhibition at the St. Foy library. The purpose of this exhibition was to showcase enlarged drawings from the new comic book compiled by Marjane Satrapi, a famous Iranian cartoonist and film director, best known for her autobiographical graphic novel about the Iranian Revolution of the 1980s. This book is 
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In a recent Grade 11 English Literature class, the students delved into the chilling world of gothic fiction and ghost stories. They explored the eerie atmospheres, psychological tension, and supernatural elements that make this genre so captivating. Discussions centered on how these tales reflect deeper societal fears and personal anxieties, perfect for sharpening their analytical skills while enjoying the haunting 
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In their English lessons, the Grade 8 students have been studying the novel Animal Farm, in which farm animals revolt against the tyranny of their human masters. Although the rebellion is a success, the freedom and equality the farm animals fought for are never realized. Instead, the pigs seize power through fear and manipulation (and the farm animals end up 
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The Grade 11 English and French Language and Literature classes ventured down to the Musée Guimet in Lyon to see the temporary Shepard Fairey OBEY exhibition.
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Grade 10 recently created a memory game for all the literary devices they need to learn for their exams. There are over forty techniques they need to know in total! The most
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In English lessons, the Grade 8 students have been studying the novel Animal Farm, in which farm animals revolt against the tyranny of their human masters. Although the rebellion is a
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