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2021–2022 School Year
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In their Design and Technology class, Grade 8 students shared their skills and experience in 3D modeling and wood construction with Grade 5. They gave tips on working with balsa wood and making a neat, well-crafted model. They also explained key project steps—research, planning, and building—and demonstrated important techniques like handling delicate materials, making precise cuts, and assembling pieces securely. 
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Our Pre-Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten students have been learning about celebrations and how to plan a party in their “Where We Are in Place and Time” unit of inquiry. They made beautiful invitations on Canva to share with their friends in Senior Kindergarten, and organized a special party. The big celebration was held on the last day of school before 
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Following their inspiring visit to the Art Biennale of Lyon, Grade 5 and Grade 6 students returned to school to create stunning moonlit seaside scenes influenced by Jean-Christophe Norman’s work.  In Grade 5, students explored their Unit of Inquiry (UOI) about Space (Where We Are in Place and Time), examining how artists depict physical and conceptual dimensions, while Grade 6 
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The Senior Kindergarten students have made teddy bears as part of their Unit of Inquiry on Toys. Under the theme of How We Organise Ourselves, the students have been exploring how toys are made and how they move. They all worked hard at sewing their bears, learning lots of skills along the way. They had to learn how to do 
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As part of our “Who We Are” Unit of Inquiry on the Five Senses, the Senior Kindergarten students have been learning about how to use their sense of taste. They have tasted lots of different foods to map the taste buds on their tongues, and decided on foods they liked and disliked. In Art, we have made some tasty looking 
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The Grade 3s, 4s and 5s created stop-motion videos to show our school’s vision, “Building our Best Selves” as part of our recent Vision Day activities. There were 4 finalists, 1 from each of the 4 colour teams. Congratulations to the Blue team for winning the top spot! You can see the 4 finalists below.
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Recently, our grade 3, 4, and 5 students had an enriching encounter with the talented video artist Tereza Buskova. Tereza, known for her specialisation in films and printmaking, shared insights into her work, which is currently on display at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC) in Lyon as part of the “Works from the British Council and the macLYON collections 
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As part of our transdisciplinary theme on How the World Works and our studies on height and length in Maths, the Senior Kindergarten students made 3D cityscapes from paper and cardboard. They had to think carefully about the size of each of the buildings that they created when placing them in their cityscapes, placing the taller ones at the back 
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In their English lessons, the Grade 8 students have been studying the novel Animal Farm, in which farm animals revolt against the tyranny of their human masters. Although the rebellion is a success, the freedom and equality the farm animals fought for are never realized. Instead, the pigs seize power through fear and manipulation (and the farm animals end up 
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As part of Senior Kindergarten’s unit of inquiry “How The World Works”, the students have been learning about different building materials and their properties. They read the story of The Three Little Pigs, then used the role play area to reenact the story. Finally, they created their very own pig puppet shows on the iPads. They decided that the straw 
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