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2024-2025 School year

On Friday before the winter holidays, the G11 class visited an exhibition at the St. Foy library. The purpose of this exhibition was to showcase enlarged drawings from the new comic book compiled by Marjane Satrapi, a famous Iranian cartoonist and film director, best known for her autobiographical graphic novel about the Iranian Revolution of the 1980s. This book is 
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Thank you to the PTA for organizing the 2024 ISL Winter Fête! It was a huge success and was a great opportunity to everyone involved. Thank you to Ms Vasset and the Vocal Colours choir for their performance as well. It was a magical afternoon!
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Our Pre-Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten students have been learning about celebrations and how to plan a party in their “Where We Are in Place and Time” unit of inquiry. They made beautiful invitations on Canva to share with their friends in Senior Kindergarten, and organized a special party. The big celebration was held on the last day of school before 
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Following their inspiring visit to the Art Biennale of Lyon, Grade 5 and Grade 6 students returned to school to create stunning moonlit seaside scenes influenced by Jean-Christophe Norman’s work.  In Grade 5, students explored their Unit of Inquiry (UOI) about Space (Where We Are in Place and Time), examining how artists depict physical and conceptual dimensions, while Grade 6 
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The Senior Kindergarten students have made teddy bears as part of their Unit of Inquiry on Toys. Under the theme of How We Organise Ourselves, the students have been exploring how toys are made and how they move. They all worked hard at sewing their bears, learning lots of skills along the way. They had to learn how to do 
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The ISL Model United Nations (MUN) Club had a busy November. New members of the club from Grades 9-11 traveled to Clermont-Ferrand to participate in CLERMUN, a 4 day conference focused on Climate Justice. They polished their debate skills, caught the MUN bug and are eager to attend more conferences.  In late November, experienced members of the ISL MUN club 
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As part of their French studies, Grades 7 and 8 went to Clermont-Ferrand to visit the international exhibition “Rendez-vous du carnet de voyage”. This yearly event hosts “carnettistes”, writers and illustrators who present sketchbooks, art and travel journals documenting their own travels. The students had the opportunity to discover their work, interview the artists, watch documentaries and hopefully get inspiration 
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The Kindergarten is currently working on their “How We Organise Ourselves” unit of inquiry, which is about games and toys. During one of the lessons, a student in the Senior Kindergarten class suggested that the school community collect games and toys to donate to families in need. The class created posters to display around the school, informing everyone about the 
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The Maths Club have been having a lot of fun assembling a Christmas challenge for the entire school. A new maths question is given every morning. At break time, winners with correct answers are randomly picked and prizes are given. Come and join in the fun!
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Recently, Pre-Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten students participated in a sorting activity, categorising toys into moving, building, pretend, and soft toys. This activity was part of our new unit of inquiry (How we Organise Ourselves), during which students are exploring how toys move and their characteristics. It was a fun and engaging way to go further with our investigations in this 
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