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2021–2022 School Year
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Author: ISL

The students in Senior Kindergarten (SK) have been working on what makes a good citizen of the world by focusing on the IB Learner Profile attributes. They discussed what it was like to be Knowledgeable, a good Communicator, a Risk Taker, Caring, an Inquirer, Balanced, Reflective, a Thinker, Open-Minded and Principled and then wrote about each attribute and illustrated it. 
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Experienced members of the Model United Nations (MUN) club participated in the Berlin Model United Nations (BERMUN), a prestigious MUN conference held in Berlin and attended by 700 students from around the world. Unintentionally, ISL sent an all-female delegation to the conference this year (Girl Power!). As always at BERMUN, our students made connections with others, sharpened their debate skills, 
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La semaine du goût (tasting week) is a week-long event that French schools organise each year in October. That week is an opportunity to celebrate and learn about many aspects of food. The Grade 9 and 10 students focused on chocolate this year. In their French lessons, they brainstormed what they knew about cocoa: its origins, its history, how it 
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As part of their Unit of Inquiry under the transdisciplinary theme of How The World Works, the Senior Kindergarten students have been busy building and testing the strength of bridges. They have discovered many things along the way and amongst their huge successes, they have had many collapsed bridges too! Take a look at some of their stronger structures below.
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In their English lessons, the Grade 8 students have been studying the novel Animal Farm, in which farm animals revolt against the tyranny of their human masters. Although the rebellion is a success, the freedom and equality the farm animals fought for are never realized. Instead, the pigs seize power through fear and manipulation (and the farm animals end up 
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The Nature Club students have been hard at work and having lots of fun harvesting this year’s crop of pumpkins. Sadly we did not have time to plant as many pumpkin plants in spring 2023 so this year’s crop is smaller than usual, but we have a few different, tasty varieties and they will all be sold at the Halloween 
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As part of Senior Kindergarten’s unit of inquiry “How The World Works”, the students have been learning about different building materials and their properties. They read the story of The Three Little Pigs, then used the role play area to reenact the story. Finally, they created their very own pig puppet shows on the iPads. They decided that the straw 
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ISL’s Eco-Club wanted to address the students at the start of the year to remind them about our mission of reducing waste at the school. We invited Magali from ELISE, a company we use to help us dispose of our recyclable waste, such as paper, cardboard, plastic and cans. She explained how her company recycles various materials, and how they 
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Outdoor Learning is a great time to put students’ learning into practice in a different setting, combining social and thinking skills with physical development. Some sessions are based on Maths or Phonics objectives, and some are linked to the Units of Inquiry. Lately, Kindergarten students have been practising their number skills during Outdoor Learning by counting leaves, building towers corresponding 
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The Grade 2s have been learning about peace in their current inquiry unit “Sharing The Planet”. They 2 drew pictures to accompany the lyrics of this song, “Teaching Peace”. We hope you enjoy what they’ve created!
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