The ISL PTA recently took the initiative to organize a spring Primary Egg hunt. The students worked in their colour teams to find all the eggs hidden in the school playground. All teams found their eggs and were
Some of the parents recently joined in with a lively Engagement in Learning session led by Mrs Clow on the role that Music and Movement plays in a child’s physical
During the “semaine de la langue française”, Thierry Mery, a comic book artist, delivered a workshop in ISL. Grade 5, 6, 9 and 10 students were taught how to use simple geometric
We will be having an end-of-year music concert on Friday 2nd June in the assembly hall. Families are welcome to attend to see performances by The Virtuosos choir, Senior Kindergarten, the Grade 6
During the latest staff cooking classes, which are organized by members of the PTA, staff learned how to cook various Japanese and Italian dishes. For the Japanese class, two
All staff recently had training on fire safety and prevention. We were instructed by the local fire department on how to use the various different extinguishers and fire blankets and had the opportunity to actually
The Grade 11 Physics group has been making use of our latest piece of new equipment – a dual beam tube – to measure the charge to mass ratio (q/m) of electrons. Electrons are
The ISL Chess Club re-formed this year and we now have 12 enthusiastic members playing. In January, we switched to playing all our games on the French online chess server Lichess. This acts as a referee
On Wednesday, SK, Primary and Middle school classes attended a Medieval music concert performed by the ensemble Xeremia. The show depicted the imaginary
Grade 10 have been studying electromagnetism in their Science class. As well as simple solenoids, they have been building their own working electric motors in order to
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