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2021–2022 School Year
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When we learned in September that our usual venue was not available, ISL’s Model United Nations (MUN) club members were determined that nothing would stop their work to prepare, organize and run our annual International Lyon Model United Nations (ILYMUN) conference, which is co-hosted with the Cité Scolaire Internationale de Lyon (CSI). Thanks to the unwavering support of the directors and administrations of the two schools, who offered their facilities as the venue, ILYMUN 2024 was a great success.
As the culmination of a year’s commemoration of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ratified on December 10, 1948, our conference theme was Rights and Freedoms: Forging the Future. Over 450 students from 30 schools explored the complexities of promoting and safeguarding these fundamental rights and freedoms in all regions of the world. Participants left the conference, not only with an increased awareness and appreciation of these rights that have been declared “universal”, but also the desire and potential solutions to ensure that these freedoms are, indeed, granted to all and protected by all.

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