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Handi’Chiens Visit

A service dog sitting on the lap of a volunteer from Handi'Chiens

On 19th January we had a visit from some volunteers at Handi’Chiens, which is an association whose objective is to train and provide assistance dogs to people who require support. They were joined by Schweppes the dog, who demonstrated a whole range of tasks that he has been trained to do to support a physically handicapped person, including: picking up items from the floor, presenting shopkeepers with money, opening and closing cupboard doors and even removing someone’s socks from their feet! We were all very impressed! 

The volunteers explained what the charity does, how support dogs like Schweppes are trained, selected and given to handicapped people; how much everything costs and how the dogs can transform people’s lives. 

We at ISL believe that nobody should be left behind and so we are going to be working in partnership with Handi’Chiens to support them in any way that we can. Watch this space!

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