ISL is a member of the FIRST France Robotics association (Robotique FIRST France), which enables students from different schools to build robots and participate in inter-school tournaments. 18 ISL students from grades 6-11 worked eagerly for 4 months to build and program their robot to get ready for our first competition. On the 12th and 13th May, the ISL Robotics team took part in our first tournament. There were 17 schools present, 10 from France and 7 from other European countries. We played with and against many other teams throughout the tournament. As a novice team, this approach allowed our students to gain valuable knowledge and experience over the two days. We ended up finishing 14th out of the 17 teams present, but we are already eagerly looking forward to our next tournament. Well done to all the team on their hard work over the last few months.
Mr. O’Reilly