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International Food Fair

International School of Lyon - International Food Fair

The PTA held their International Food Fair last week, which was a huge success! Families cooked and sold traditional foods from their home countries as a fundraiser to help raise money for the PTA to use for school improvements, events and activities. We had foods from Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Jamaica, Jordan, Korea, India, Israel, Mexico, The Netherlands, Sweden, Ukraine, The United Kingdom and The United States. The energy was amazing and it was a wonderful way for us to celebrate the diversity of our school community. Thank you to the PTA for all of their hard work preparing for and running the event!

Thank you as well to Aubree in the PTA for putting together the video below, showing how our community says “Bon Appétit” in their countries. It’s a beautiful portrait of the multicultural nature of ISL!

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